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Rockchip Launches the Lowest Power WiFi for IoT, Reducing Power Consumption by 85%, Same as BT4.0 LE
Terbaru 2017
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Rockchip Launches the Lowest Power WiFi for IoT, Reducing Power Consumption by 85%, Same as BT4.0 LE
link: Rockchip Launches the Lowest Power WiFi for IoT, Reducing Power Consumption by 85%, Same as BT4.0 LE
Berbagi Artikel Tentang Rockchip Launches the Lowest Power WiFi for IoT, Reducing Power Consumption by 85%, Same as BT4.0 LE Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2017
As a key connectivity technology of IoT smart hardware, WiFi technology gets much attention from semiconductor companies, WiFi is accepted as the most convenient way Compared with BT/ZIGBEE standard. However, high power of WiFi is still a hinder for it to be used on portable device with current limit. RKi6000 can reduce down the power consumption and make it same as BT LE’s in three ways:
WiFi based on traditional RF architecture cannot be used extensively in IoT or wearable devices due to its drawback on power consumption. With much lower power,RKi6000 will be widely applied in smart wearable devices, consumer electronics, mainstream appliances, home safety, automation system, automobile and medical equipment. Those smart devices can benefit from the easy network connection with standard WiFi infrastructure. It can greatly reduce the cost of the application development and speed up the smart hardware commercialization.
As a leading fabless semiconductor company in China, Rockchip has built the complete eco-system successfully in 2015 with partners including those international giants like Google, Intel and ARM. The eco-system covers the area of PC, communication products, tablet and OTT-Box. The launch of IoT technology will definitely enable Rockchip to shape the global IoT and smart hardware market.